
Mainly—as far as I know—there are two ways to get python. One is straight from The other one is to install python via Anaconda. The preferred one will be via Anaconda1* cause this helps us ease the pain of package management in the future.


Go on to, and scroll down to find Anaconda Installers. The default python version should now be later than 3.72**. If you are using Windows or Mac, feel free to install via the graphical installer (recommended for people without any knowledge about the command line/terminal). However, installation via the command line installer is much elegant and clean (default for Linux user).

Installation via the command line (an example for Mac & Linux)

Right-click to copy the link for command line installer, then open the terminal and type wget3**, follow a space, then paste the url, e.g.,


(make sure to copy the url from Anaconda web page to get the latest python version).
After the download is finished, type bash, follow by a space, and then type the file name you just downloaded to start the installation, e.g.,


After the installation is done, type python and press Enter to see if you have something like this:

Python 3.7.7 (default, Mar 26 2020, 10:32:53)
[Clang 4.0.1 (tags/RELEASE_401/final)] :: Anaconda, Inc. on darwin
Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information.

Make sure that your python version is later than 3.7.X, and with Anaconda, Inc. . Type exit() to leave.

The benefit of installing via the command line is that you can get rid of the bulky UI, and open the ipython, jupyter lab/notebook IDE from the terminal faster. This effect can be more severe when you have a small RAM (<16GB), and less powerful CPUs.

Learn More:

1*: Find out the relationship between Conda and Anaconda.
2**: Find out the difference between python 2.7.X and python 3.X.
3**: Oh Noooo! Wget cannot work on my Mac, what should I Dooooo?! Well, curl might help.

Fun Fact:

: Do you know that every Mac is pre-installed with python?! However, the pre-installed version is out off date, py2.7. Thus, don’t be lazy and download the latest version now!!
